We’ve been singing to the rooftops on social lately!
After an unanticipated 2-year mission-extraordinaire, we have a lot to sing and dance about! It took us all this time to find the perfect bean bag to align with our sustainability goals. That is, recyclable anywhere, as it is, as easy as possible, for everyone. We feel that’s our duty as a manufacturer of consumer goods. The bag and labels we chose are paper and go straight into your kerbside recycling. There’s no plastic valve – these sturdy bags allow for the natural release of gases through the base while creating positive pressure to counteract ingress of oxygen. Cutting edge, and sharp looking as well!
We looked at all the options including compostable and soft plastic recyclable bags. Each has its merits and drawbacks including having to first cut out a plastic valve to compost and supermarket bin-only recycling. When we found this product, there was no disputing… it was back-to-basics brilliant!
In our redesign process, we created new names for our famous blends as well. Acknowledging our roots, our signature blend became One Tree Hill and Rāwhiti Decaf for our Swiss Water Decaf Blend. The same coffee you know and love is even more meaningful.